Friday 22 February 2019

What's been in the news this week...

New Zealand police are being kitted out with $20.7 million dollars worth of new body armour that officials boast is lighter, more comfortable and has more customisation. Police Mike Bush announced the roll out not that long ago in Auckland.

I think this is bad idea because we could be using the 20 million dollars on homeless people or Mental health or many of the other social problems in New Zealand.  I do realise it is important to keep the police happy and comfortable because they are saving lots of people everyday but many kids don't even have homes to sleep and they are worried about police being comfy!

Thank you for reading 😁😁😁

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adison, I had read about the new body armour for police. It is not just more comfortable but has one other new safety feature which is why the NZ police need it. Can you find out what that is? I do agree with you that 20.7 million dollars is a lot of money and you are quite right that their are many other areas that the New Zealand Government could be spending this money. Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.