Tuesday 10 September 2019

Video games Argument

For the past weeks we have been looking in to how to write an argument and today we got to chose if we are for or against video games here is my argument.

Video Games are when a person plays an electronic game that is played on either a computer on console.

There are many different types of video games that are played all over the world such as adventure, survival, learning and puzzle.
people of all ages and all over the world play video games and there is a game for everyone.
Many people think that video games are harmful but as long as you stick to the guidelines of the games they are completely harmless.

I believe video games are harmless for the following reasons.

Firstly Video Games Keep kids occupied. When you are busy kids can play video games. this helps parents all over the world and it will give parents time to relax or even if you want it can bring you and your children together by bonding over different games. 

Secondly Video Games are educational. Many games help with learning. They might not be labelled educational to help children learn to make decisions, use strategies, and see consequences and express their personalities but there are so many games that you will find one that your kids like and will help them to learn. My brother play number games and he enjoys it and it helps him learn. 

Lastly Video Games are great for eye coordination. Many players learn to use their motor skills better because you have to use hand and eye coordination.  It has been seen that people who play action video games such as Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed are able to learn hand-eye coordination more quickly than non-gamers. Scientists say that For people with poor hand-eye coordination, like individuals with autism, video games could help them develop their skills.

I believe that video games are not harmful because they are great for eye coronation, Are educational and it keeps kids occupied that’s why I strongly believe that video games are not harmful.

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